Granulating / Shredding

Quick Metals supplies and stocks many plastic recycling knives including, granulator blades, rotor knives, bed knives, granulator screens and shredder blades.

Blades Materials offered

  • High wear alloy tool steels
  • D-2 High carbon/High chrome tool steel
  • Powdered metals, CPM 10V®, CPM M4®
  • Composite tools steels
  • High performance stainless steels
  • Solid Stellite®
  • Inlaid Stellite®
  • Zirconia ceramics
  • Tungsten Carbide & Titanium carbide

OEM®S Included

  • Ball & Jewell®
  • Central Machine®
  • C.M.G.®
  • Conair®
  • Cumberland®
  • Econogrind®
  • Eldan®
  • Falzoni®
  • Genox®
  • Getecha®
  • Gloucester®
  • Granutec®
  • Guidettie
  • Herbold®
  • Horia®
  • Hydreclaim®
  • MPG®
  • Nelmor®
  • Nissui®
  • Pagani®
  • PHT®
  • Polymer Systems®
  • Previero®
  • Process Control®
  • Rapid®
  • Rubber Recycling®
  • SEM®
  • Shini®
  • USI®
  • Tria®
  • Triple S Dynamics®
  • Vecoplan®
  • Whittmann®
  • Wortex®
  • Young Machine®
  • Zeno®